Taking Steps Back… Towards My Goals.

Despite my best intentions with this new blog, to not stay too long without posting and my most genuine efforts, I was not able to complete this post sooner. True, I was heartbroken over the Sandy Hook tragedy and that accounted for some of my lethargy, but even before it, I had some difficulties coming up with the content of what I saw as the logical next post in this aptly titled blog. A post about setting the life-altering goals which achievement this blog exists to document.

I thought step #1, and first major blog post, would be listing the set of life-changing, overarching goals which, achieved together, would change my life in the way I want, actually need, it. Then the real effort would be to start working towards those goals. But such ambitious goals can’t be conceived of in the same manner as a grocery list or the to-do lists with which I always start my work mornings. I realized I needed to take a step back. So now Goal # 1 is to set goals. Then I proceeded to do just that and the more I thought about my goals should be, the more I realized the complexity and scope of the task. I now have a renewed appreciation for goal-setting. It does not lend itself easily to willy nilly, random sort of thinking at which I have become adept. As in most things, the quality of what you put in is really what you get out of it. So this time, I must be thoughtful, mindful, careful. I must take my time and not rush this. (Wow, that’s a big change in itself and I am sure would have made it to the list of goals I am after). Which basically means I must have clear and sincere intentions in the process of setting goals. Then I realized I needed to take yet another step back. Goal #1 is now figuring out the intent behind the ultimate and the intermediate changes I am seeking to make. I want to be an accomplished writer but why? What is the intention behind it? Selling books and becoming a millionaire? I don’t know yet but I am off to finding out. Off inwards. I have never taken the time to start from this deep before. So instead of being jaded and self-doubting my ability to achieve change this time around, I am a little giddy. I feel like I am onto something with these new first steps I have included this time around. I feel like they may hold the key to me achieving some degree of success in making the desired changes this time around. Key word: desired (changes). You have to know very clearly in your heart and mind what the desire is before you can make the change.